Saturday, May 17, 2014

Average Joe - Average Jane

When two people meet, there's a spark, the spark is born and takes shape by our emotions; the spark feeds off of these emotions, we gain strength from these sparks, but when the spark dies, we are at our utterly weakest. Our world's seemingly collapse around us as we become nothing more than a shadowy husk of our former selves. The spark within each of us is always strong, it never dies for any singular reason, and yet it never grows unless we allow it to. If we let it simply pop and crackle within us, then it can't grow stronger, we can't grow stronger, and in that instance, we are weak in both body and spirit. Whether we make it grow stronger on our own, in the quiet bedrooms without a soul around, or with the person who first created the spark, strengthening it together, or with a group of people, each holding an inferno of brightly burning sparks within them, as long as we allow these sparks to grow, so too do we grow.

Average Joe - Average Jane, I don't know why I wrote this, it's romantic in a way, almost comical, almost melodramatic, but it holds a certain power. It reminds me of better days, days to come that will be even better, and days undreamed of that we can't determine. Short and obnoxiously sweet, I give you my most recent poetic piece.

Average morning,
Average Pain,
Average warning,
For Average Jane,

Average Evening,
Average low,                                 
Average seething,
For Average Joe,

Average tasks,
Average fright,
Average Joe asks
Average Jane out tonight,

Average date,
Average heart,
Average mate,
Average start,

Average love,
Average woo,
Could my Average Jane,
Be you?

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